Keeping It Together with Google Keep
I've talked about my love for Google Keep before, but I'm still surprised at how many people who used Google tools at school don't know about this productivity powerhouse. I'll be sharing with students next school year (if not in person, then creating screencasts--at this point, who knows where we'll be?) Like all things Google, it's device agnostic, so create on your desktop, tablet, phone and find it anywhere! No more forgetting the paper list (this is also why I LOVE suggesting it to my middle school students: when are they ever far from their phones?) Here are some of the great things you can do with Keep! Take a note! You can type as a checklist or a paragraph. The checked items will drop to the bottom of the list. (Very satisfying!) My coworker and I have a shared list (more on sharing later) with weekly tasks. No more duplicating efforts on simple tasks like emailing hold notifications or running overdue lists! Think of how many lis...